KPN Mobile

Always Online at Home and in the EU Without Worries

As an expat, mobile telephony is one of the important things to fix. KPN offers endless benefits on their mobile services: they own one of the best mobile networks, and your connection can be used for free in all other EU-countries. On top of that PartnerPete helps you quickly, efficient and in English.

Geen verborgen kosten Gas & Elektriciteit Geen verborgen kosten Internet & TV Geen verborgen kosten ContractCoach Geen verborgen kosten Verzekeringen Geen verborgen kosten Sim only Geen verborgen kosten Aansluitingen

Waarom KPN?

KPN is recognized to be the world’s most sustainable telecom company. The organization believes in reliable, future-proof, and secure networks and services, while at the same time creating a more prosperous and cleaner world. KPN’s key benefits on mobile include:

Geen verborgen kosten
Uitstekende dekking
Geen verborgen kosten
A superfast 4G+ network
Geen verborgen kosten
Gebruik je bundel niet alleen in Nederland, maar in de hele EU.
Geen verborgen kosten
No unexpected extra costs for data
Geen verborgen kosten

Free extras when you combine with KPN internet and tv or triple play.

KPN Sim Only

A Sim Only contract is a contract without mobile device. You will get a SIM card from KPN and you take care of a mobile phone yourself. Because you only pay for the mobile subscription, you keep your monthly invoice low. With KPN you are accessible whenever and wherever you want.

KPN Mobile Offer

PartnerPete offers KPN sim only contracts with various amounts of data and free minutes and texts. If you combine KPN mobile with triple play or internet and tv you’ll get free extras such as € 5 discount on your monthly invoice.


Sim Only 0 GB

0GB internet

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld


Sim Only 2 GB

2GB internet (4G/4G+)

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld


Sim Only 5 GB

5GB internet (4G/4G+)

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld


Sim Only 15 GB

15GB internet (4G/4G+)

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld


Sim Only 50 GB

50GB internet (4G/4G+)

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld


Sim Only 100 GB

100GB internet (4G/4G+)

150 minutes or texts

1 or 2-year contract

Calling from the Netherlands to EU countries included

Unlimited calling optional (incl. to and from EU, US, and Canada) for only 1€

Binnen 24 uur geregeld

Partnerpete benefits

Voordelen PartnerPete en KPN

Vanwege onze uitgebreide ervaring als nutsvoorzieningsaanbieder voor expats, weet PartnerPete wat belangrijk voor u is. Onze belangrijkste voordelen zijn:

Geen verborgen kosten
Engelstalige klantenservice
Geen verborgen kosten
Betaalbare contracten
Geen verborgen kosten
Aanbiedingen die het beste passen bij expats
Geen verborgen kosten
Altijd de beste deals
Geen verborgen kosten
Geen verborgen kosten, geen gedoe.
Geen verborgen kosten
Optional international TV channels (e.g. TRT, ATV, Sony Max, Zee TV, and Fox Sports International)

Liever met iemand spreken?

Wil je dat PartnerPete je terugbelt over onze nutsvoorzieningen? Plan een gesprek.