Ziggo Internet & TV
The best Internet & TV provider in the Netherlands
Moving to or living in the Netherlands and looking for an Internet and TV connection? PartnerPete developed a partnership with Ziggo, who has been named the best internet provider eight times in a row! PartnerPete assists you in finding the right offer. Completely free of charge.
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Free Installation
For our internet and television services we can organize a technician from Ziggo to help with the setup, totally free of charge. Forget complicated manuals or Dutch customer service call centers. One visit from a qualified Ziggo technician and you’re good to go.

More for Less
When you combine one of Ziggo’s triple play packages with Vodafone mobile, we’ll reward you with some nice freebies. These include double the amount of data on your mobile subscription, an additional 5 euro discount on your monthly invoice and free extra television channels.
Ziggo Internet & TV offers
Convinced about Ziggo? Compare and choose the Ziggo Internet and TV offer that suits you best.

Voordelen van PartnerPete
PartnerPete knows what’s important to you. As an expat expert, we teamed up with Ziggo to give you the best internet and TV deals, adapted to your specific needs. Our key benefits:
High-speed internet up to 600 Mbit/s
Engelstalige klantensercive
Geen verborgen kosten, geen gedoe.
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