Fire Security

Save at home and in your car

PartnerPete cares about you and your family. The safety of your family can be increased and damage and danger in the event of a fire can be minimized as much as possible.

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Fire in your home is life-threatening!

It is important to have fire safety products at home because a fire can be one of the most devastating events that can occur in a home. Fires can quickly get out of control and cause extensive damage in a short period of time. Additionally, fires can pose a danger to your family at home, as they can cause injury or even death.

Het is belangrijk om brandveiligheidsproducten in huis te hebben, omdat een brand een van de meest verwoestende gebeurtenissen kan zijn die in een woning kunnen plaatsvinden. Branden kunnen zeer snel uit de hand lopen en in een korte tijd enorme schade aanrichten. Bovendien kunnen branden gevaarlijk zijn voor jouw gezin in huis, omdat ze letsel of zelfs de dood kunnen veroorzaken.
Het is belangrijk om brandveiligheidsproducten in huis te hebben, omdat een brand een van de meest verwoestende gebeurtenissen kan zijn die in een woning kunnen plaatsvinden. Branden kunnen zeer snel uit de hand lopen en in een korte tijd enorme schade aanrichten. Bovendien kunnen branden gevaarlijk zijn voor jouw gezin in huis, omdat ze letsel of zelfs de dood kunnen veroorzaken.

Are you prepared?

It is important to take measures to be prepared for emergencies, including fire. This can involve having fire safety products at home, such as smoke detectors, fire blankets, and fire extinguishers. It can also involve having an evacuation plan and knowing what to do in case of a fire.

In case of an emergency, it is important to stay calm and act quickly. By being prepared and knowing what to do in case of an emergency, the risks to yourself and others can be minimized and the damage can be limited.

Consider ordering a fire safety package to ensure the safety of your family.

Our fire prevention products

Installing a smoke detector in your home can protect your life and property in the event of a fire. It is important to ensure that the smoke detector is functioning properly by testing it regularly and replacing the batteries in a timely manner

A fire stop spray extinguisher is a type of fire extinguisher specifically designed for use in homes and cars. It is a portable, compact, and easy-to-use extinguisher that can help extinguish small fires.

A fire blanket is a blanket made of a special fire-resistant material that is used to extinguish small fires such as a kitchen fire. A fire blanket can be quickly used to smother a small fire before it spreads

We have more fire safety products in our webshop

It is important to have fire safety products in your home, such as smoke detectors, spray extinguishers, fire blankets, and first aid kits, for various reasons. These reasons can include early warning, taking immediate action, ensuring the safety of people and animals, and fulfilling government obligations.

The Fire Safety Package Plus has been put together for you by PartnerPete. With all the basic products included, you are immediately provided with all the fire prevention products you need in your home.

The Fire Safety Package Pro has been put together for you by PartnerPete. With all the products included, you are immediately provided with all the fire prevention products you need in your home.

PartnerPete does more than just fire safety, do you need help with your energy contract?

Need help with your energy contracts  in the Netherlands but don’t want to spend time comparing all the different options? PartnerPete can get you the best energy deals. As Expat Experts, we know what matters to you. Our key benefits are:

English customer service
Flexible contracts
Competitive prices
No hidden costs

We can help you arrange utility services. Would you like to schedule a consultation?

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