Deception and aggressive sales in energy contracts will be soon a thing of the past thanks to a new certification mark for intermediaries: CIRE.
We are proud to announce that PartnerPete meets the strict requirements and is in possession of the CIRE quality mark.
About CIRE
The CIRE Quality Mark is an initiative of eleven energy companies (including ENGIE, Eneco and GreenChoice) and seven distribution platforms with which the suppliers frequently collaborate. CIRE provides an independent inspection of the approximately 1,500 intermediaries in the Netherlands.
The initiative is supported by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) and is primarily intended to combat aggressive energy sellers. The goal is to protect consumers and to make the energy intermediary market more transparent.

Which organization is behind CIRE?
The Integrity and Transparency Energy Advice Foundation (SITE) is behind the CIRE initiative. The initiative is supported by energy suppliers, distribution platforms and in particular the ACM. The quality mark is only issued to parties who meet the specific requirements.
What is the purpose of CIRE?
Transparency and trust is the main goal of CIRE. The fact that an intermediary receives the quality mark means that the party can be trusted and that it processes goods in a fair and transparent manner. The goal of CIRE is to ultimately realize a sustainable and fair market.
Why did they start with CIRE?
The ACM has investigated the sale of energy contracts and concluded that it was often not done fairly. The consumer was almost always the victim of this and this causes mistrust of both energy suppliers and the honest distribution platforms.
Maintaining and implementing more legislation is therefore a requirement to keep the market fair and transparent. The CIRE initiative is designed to suppress the problem of aggressive and unfair intermediaries and to restore consumer confidence.
What does verification by CIRE entail?
With a CIRE quality mark it is easier to recognize whether the consumer is dealing with an honest and transparent party. CIRE stands for control of the management / owner of the party, the quality of online findability, the accessibility of problems & questions and the reputation on the internet.
The CIRE quality mark is not a one-time check-up. It is an ongoing process whereby the party in question is constantly checked for completeness, quality and topicality.
Proud of the CIRE quality mark
PartnerPete is particularly proud of the fact that our quality and transparency is recognized and confirmed by the CIRE quality mark. We always strive for the best and most honest solution for our customers and the CIRE quality mark is proof of this.
Do you want to know more about the CIRE quality mark and our services? Call us on 020 – 7372124 or contact us.